- 电影
The story revolves around Luisa Palmeira, born in France from Portuguese immigrants. In 1979, Luisa is eight years old. Almost a grown-up in the eyes of her illiterate mother, she remains just a little girl to her hard-drinking father. One day, he trusts her with a heavy secret: he suffers from a serious illness. But she refuses to believe him and thinks instead that he is hiding something else from her…
- 电影
Five women are running an old hotel and trying to save it from inexorable decay. Guests arrive over the course of a weekend: a couple bears the wounds of a long-term misunderstanding; a domineering mother interferes in her daughter’s relationship; two girls try to save their own love story in the face of opposition from a possessive mother. Viver Mal is the reverse shot of Mal ...
- 电影
瑞士导演贝蒂娜·奥波利执导新片[转向风](Le Vent Tourne,暂译)将于8月7日开拍。该片由梅兰妮·蒂埃里([舞女])、皮埃尔·德隆尚([湖畔的陌生人])、努诺·洛佩斯([圣乔治])主演。故事讲述一对夫妻,几年前接手了家中的农场,他们决心不惜一切代价保住土地。却因此使得两人的关系愈加不稳定。
- 电影
Drowning in debt, unemployed boxer Jorge is on the verge of losing his young son and his Brazilian wife. He is one of shocking amounts of Portuguese families and companies unable to repay their loans in the time of European troika bailout measures. Jorge needs to pay off his debts and convince his unhappy wife to not leave Portugal to make a living. Due to his intimidating phys...
- 电影
Naïma has just turned 16. This summer, she will have to decide what she wants from life if she doesn’t want to miss out. Then her cousin Sofia arrives – 22, with an amazing body and a dangerously seductive lifestyle. Naïma desires only to follow her own path, so long as it leads upwards… Despite the warnings of her best friend Dodo, she and Sofia will live through unforgettable encounters during a long summer that will mark them forever. A long summer on the sun-drenched French Riviera provides the setting for Rebecca Zlotowski’s playful, intimate and intense coming of age story.